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Browsing verblibm.h

RunTimeError (lines 60-87)

0060  [ RunTimeError n p1 p2;
0062    print "** Library error ", n, " (", p1, ",", p2, ") **^** ";
0063    switch(n)
0064    {   1: print "preposition not found (this should not occur)";
0065        2: print "Property value not routine or string: ~",
0066                 (property) p2, "~ of ~", (name) p1, "~ (", p1, ")";
0067        3: print "Entry in property list not routine or string: ~",
0068                 (property) p2, "~ list of ~", (name) p1, "~ (", p1, ")";
0069        4: print "Too many timers/daemons are active simultaneously.  The
0070                  limit is the library constant MAX_TIMERS (currently ",
0071                  MAX_TIMERS, ") and should be increased";
0072        5: print "Object ~", (name) p1, "~ has no ~time_left~ property";
0073        7: print "The object ~", (name) p1, "~ can only be used as a player
0074                  object if it has the ~number~ property";
0075        8: print "Attempt to take random entry from an empty table array";
0076        9: print p1, " is not a valid direction property number";
0077        10: print "The player-object is outside the object tree";
0078        11: print "The room ~", (name) p1, "~ has no ~description~ property";
0079        12: print "Tried to set a non-existent pronoun using SetPronoun";
0080        13: print "A 'topic' token can only be followed by a preposition";
0081        default: print "(unexplained)";
0082    }
0083    " **";
0084  #IFNOT;
0085    "** Library error ", n, " (", p1, ",", p2, ") **";
0086  #ENDIF;
0087  ];

Last updated 27 February 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.