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Issue L61114     [previous patch]

Numbers in the 'name' property
Submitted by: Roger Firth     Appeared in: Library 6/11 or before     Fixed in: -

There seems to be progressive degrading in a bit of the library. Here's the test program.

  !% -SD

  Include "Parser";
  Include "VerbLib";
  Include "Grammar";

  [ Initialise; location = Home; ];

  Object  Home "Bare room"
    with  description "You are in a bare room.",
    has   light;

  Object  -> box1 "box marked 1"
    with  name 'box' 'marked' '1//',
          description "It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.";

  Object  -> door2 "box marked 2"
    with  name 'box' 'marked' '2//',
          description "It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.";

######## Here's 6/10 (all OK):

  Release 1 / Serial number 050213 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10 SD

  Bare room
  You are in a bare room.

  You can see a box marked 1 and a box marked 2 here.

  >X BOX 1
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X 1
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X BOX 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

  >X 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

######## Here's 6/11 (one error):

  Release 1 / Serial number 050213 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 SD

  Bare room
  You are in a bare room.

  You can see a box marked 1 and a box marked 2 here.

  >X BOX 1
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X 1
  (the box marked 1)
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X BOX 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

  >X 2
  What do you want to examine? ! <--- WRONG

  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

  >X 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

######## And here's the current prototype 6/12 (two errors):

  Release 1 / Serial number 050213 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/12 SD

  Bare room
  You are in a bare room.

  You can see a box marked 1 and a box marked 2 here.

  >X BOX 1
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X 1
  What do you want to examine? ! <--- WRONG

  (the box marked 1)
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 1.

  >X BOX 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

  >X 2
  What do you want to examine? ! <--- WRONG

  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

  >X 2
  It's a wooden box marked with the number 2.

None submitted.

Last updated 17 April 2013. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Roger Firth.