Matchbook (lines 247-340)
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247 ! >MA This is a matchbook of five matches, which is quite simple in that you
248 ! can only actually have one match at a time: otherwise, it's quite
249 ! a full implementation. Note that the inventory lines for the match
250 ! and the matchbook are coded here. Note also that the "match" object
251 ! returns to the book even when the book is empty, so that the parser
252 ! will still understand requests for matches - which the "before" rule,
253 ! which automatically removes matches when needed, can then turn down.
254 !
255 ! The matchbook has a daemon whose job is to tidy up lost matches. One
256 ! might expect this rule to be coded with an "after" routine, to trap
257 ! the player dropping matches. But suppose there were a magpie in the
258 ! game, and it flew down and stole the match but left the matchbook!
259 ! As it happens there isn't, but this is better form.
260 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 Object -> matchbook "matchbook"
263 with name "matchbook" "book" "matches",
264 number 5,
265 before
266 [; Burn: if (match has light)
267 { remove match; remove matchbook;
268 "What a waste of matches!";
269 }
270 ],
271 invent
272 [; if (inventory_stage==2)
273 { switch(self.number)
274 { 0: print " (empty)";
275 1: print " (1 match left)";
276 default: print " (", self.number, " matches left)";
277 }
278 }
279 ],
280 description
281 [; print "The cover advertisement reads
282 ~Curses - Adventure of a Lunchtime~. The book ";
283 switch(self.number)
284 { 0: "is empty.";
285 1: "has a single match left.";
286 default:
287 print_ret "contains ", self.number, " matches.";
288 }
289 ],
290 daemon
291 [; if (match notin matchbook && match notin player)
292 { move match to matchbook;
293 if (match has light)
294 { give match ~light; StopTimer(match); }
295 StopDaemon(self);
296 }
297 ],
298 has transparent;
300 Object -> -> match "match"
301 with parse_name
302 [ i j; if (self has light) j='burning'; else j='unlit';
303 while (NextWord()=='match' or j) i++;
304 return i;
305 ],
306 article "an",
307 before
308 [ i; if (self in matchbook)
309 { i=matchbook.number;
310 if (i==0) "There are no matches left in the book.";
311 i--; matchbook.number=i;
312 move self to player; StartDaemon(matchbook);
313 print "(taking a match from the book, which ";
314 if (i==0) print "is now empty)^";
315 if (i==1) print "has one more left)^";
316 if (i>1) print "has ", i, " left)^";
317 self.article = "an";
318 }
319 Take, Remove: if (self in player) "Done.";
320 Burn:
321 if (self has light) "The match is already alight.";
322 if (matchbook notin player)
323 "You need the matchbook to strike the match.";
324 give self light; StartTimer(self, 2+random(3));
325 self.article = "a";
326 "You strike the match.";
327 ],
328 short_name
329 [; if (self has light) print "burning match";
330 else print "unlit match";
331 rtrue;
332 ],
334 time_left,
335 time_out
336 [; move self to matchbook; give self ~light;
337 "^You drop the match as the flame reaches your finger.";
338 ];
340 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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