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Browsing Toyshop.inf

Green Cone (lines 456-482)

456  ! >CO  A traditional Inform example object:
457  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
459  Object -> cone "green cone"
460    with name "green" "cone" "emerald" "marzipan",
461         describe
462         [; if (cone has moved)
463                "^A misshapen cone of green marzipan sits here.";
464            "^Nearby is an emerald green cone, one foot high.";
465         ],
466         description "The cone seems to be made of emerald-coloured 
467                      marzipan.",
468         before
469         [; Eat: if (random(100) <= 30)
470                 {   deadflag = 1;
471                     "Unfortunately, you seem to be allergic to almonds.";
472                 }
473                 "You nibble at a corner of the cone.";
474         ],
475         after
476         [; Take: "Taken. (Your hands are smeared with marzipan.)";
477            Drop: cone.description = "The cone is a vague green mess.";
478                  "The cone drops to the floor and sags a little.";
479         ],
480    has  edible;
482  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last updated 23 June 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.