Backward Grammar (lines 1925-2169)
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Browsing Museum.inf
1925 Include "Grammar";
1927 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1929 [ FPXSub;
1930 "You typed the floating point number ", noun/100, ".",
1931 (noun%100)/10, noun%10, " (rounded off to 2 decimal places.)";
1932 ];
1934 [ DigitNumber n type x;
1935 x = NextWordStopped(); if (x==-1) return -1; wn--;
1936 if (type==0)
1937 { x = WordAddress(wn);
1938 if (x->n>='0' && x->n<='9') return (x->n) - '0';
1939 return -1;
1940 }
1941 if (x=='nought' or 'oh') { wn++; return 0; }
1942 x = TryNumber(wn++); if (x==-1000 || x>=10) x=-1; return x;
1943 ];
1944 [ FloatingPoint a x b w d1 d2 d3 type;
1945 a = TryNumber(wn++);
1946 if (a==-1000) return -1;
1947 w = NextWordStopped(wn); if (w==-1) return a*100;
1948 x = NextWordStopped(wn); if (x==-1) return -1; wn--;
1949 if (w=='point') type=1;
1950 else
1951 { if (WordAddress(wn-1)->0~='.' || WordLength(wn-1)~=1)
1952 return -1;
1953 }
1954 d1 = DigitNumber(0,type);
1955 if (d1==-1) return -1;
1956 d2 = DigitNumber(1,type); d3 = DigitNumber(2,type);
1957 b=d1*10; if (d2>=0) b=b+d2; else d3=0;
1958 if (type==1)
1959 { x=1; while (DigitNumber(x,type)>=0) x++; wn--;
1960 }
1961 else wn++;
1962 parsed_number = a*100 + b;
1963 if (d3>=5) parsed_number++;
1964 return 1;
1965 ];
1967 Verb "fp" * FloatingPoint -> FPX;
1969 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1971 Constant MAX_PHONE_LENGTH 30;
1972 Array dialled_number string MAX_PHONE_LENGTH;
1973 [ PhoneNumber f a l ch pp i;
1974 pp=1; if (NextWordStopped()==-1) return 0;
1975 do
1976 { a=WordAddress(wn-1); l=WordLength(wn-1);
1977 for (i=0:i<l:i++)
1978 { ch=a->i;
1979 if (ch<'0' || ch>'9')
1980 { if (ch~='-') { f=1; if (i~=0) return -1; } }
1981 else
1982 { if (pp<MAX_PHONE_LENGTH)
1983 dialled_number->(pp++)=ch-'0';
1984 }
1985 }
1986 } until (f==1 || NextWordStopped()==-1);
1987 if (pp==1) return -1;
1988 dialled_number->0 = pp-1;
1989 return 0;
1990 ];
1992 [ DialPhoneSub i;
1993 print "You dialled <";
1994 for (i=1:i<=dialled_number->0:i++) print dialled_number->i;
1995 ">";
1996 ];
1997 Verb "dial" * PhoneNumber -> DialPhone;
1999 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2001 Global assumed_key;
2002 [ DefaultLockSub;
2003 print "(with ", (the) assumed_key, ")^"; <<Lock noun assumed_key>>;
2004 ];
2005 [ DefaultUnlockSub;
2006 print "(with ", (the) assumed_key, ")^"; <<Unlock noun assumed_key>>;
2007 ];
2009 [ DefaultKeyTest i count;
2010 if (noun hasnt lockable) rfalse;
2012 objectloop (i in player && i ofclass Key)
2013 { count++; assumed_key = i; }
2015 if (count==1) rtrue; rfalse;
2016 ];
2018 Extend "lock" first * noun = DefaultKeyTest -> DefaultLock;
2019 Extend "unlock" first * noun = DefaultKeyTest -> DefaultUnlock;
2021 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023 Constant TWELVE_HOURS 720;
2024 [ NumericTime hr mn word x;
2025 if (hr>=24) return -1;
2026 if (mn>=60) return -1;
2027 x=hr*60+mn; if (hr>=13) return x;
2028 x=x%TWELVE_HOURS; if (word=='pm') x=x+TWELVE_HOURS;
2029 if (word~='am' or 'pm' && hr==12) x=x+TWELVE_HOURS;
2030 return x;
2031 ];
2032 [ MyTryNumber wordnum i j;
2033 i=wn; wn=wordnum; j=NextWordStopped(); wn=i;
2034 switch(j)
2035 { 'twenty-five': return 25;
2036 'thirty': return 30;
2037 default: return TryNumber(wordnum);
2038 }
2039 ];
2040 [ TimeOfDay i j k x flag loop ch hr mn;
2041 i=NextWord();
2042 if (i=='midnight') { parsed_number=0; return 1; }
2043 if (i=='midday' or 'noon') { parsed_number=TWELVE_HOURS; return 1; }
2044 ! Next try the format 12:02
2045 j=WordAddress(wn-1); k=WordLength(wn-1);
2046 flag=0;
2047 for (loop=0:loop<k:loop++)
2048 { ch=j->loop;
2049 if (ch==':' && flag==0 && loop~=0 && loop~=k-1) flag=1;
2050 else { if (ch<'0' || ch>'9') flag=-1; }
2051 }
2052 if (k<3 || k>5) flag=0;
2053 if (flag==1)
2054 { for (loop=0:j->loop~=':':loop++, hr=hr*10)
2055 hr=hr+j->loop-'0';
2056 hr=hr/10;
2057 for (loop++:loop<k:loop++, mn=mn*10)
2058 mn=mn+j->loop-'0';
2059 mn=mn/10;
2060 j=NextWordStopped();
2061 parsed_number=NumericTime(hr, mn, j);
2062 if (parsed_number<0) return -1;
2063 if (j~='pm' or 'am') wn--;
2064 return 1;
2065 }
2066 ! Next the format "half past 12"
2067 j=-1; if (i=='half') j=30; if (i=='quarter') j=15;
2068 if (j<0) j=MyTryNumber(wn-1); if (j<0) return -1;
2069 if (j>=60) return -1;
2070 k=NextWordStopped();
2071 if ((k=='o^clock' or 'am' or 'pm')||(k==-1))
2072 { hr=j; if (hr>12) return -1; jump TimeFound; }
2073 if (k=='to' or 'past')
2074 { mn=j; hr=MyTryNumber(wn);
2075 if (hr<=0)
2076 { x=NextWordStopped();
2077 if (x=='noon' or 'midday') hr=12;
2078 if (x=='midnight') hr=0;
2079 if (hr<0) return -1;
2080 }
2081 if (hr>=13) return -1;
2082 if (k=='to') { mn=60-mn; hr=hr-1; if (hr==-1) hr=23; }
2083 wn++; k=NextWordStopped();
2084 jump TimeFound;
2085 }
2086 hr=j; mn=MyTryNumber(--wn);
2087 if (mn<0 || mn>=60) return -1;
2088 wn++; k=NextWordStopped();
2089 .TimeFound;
2090 parsed_number = NumericTime(hr, mn, k);
2091 if (parsed_number<0) return -1;
2092 if (k~='pm' or 'am' or 'o^clock') wn--;
2093 return 1;
2094 ];
2096 [ SetTheTimeSub;
2097 SetTime(noun,1);
2098 "The time is set to ", (PrintTime) noun, ".";
2099 ];
2100 Verb "time" * TimeOfDay -> SetTheTime;
2102 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2104 Global third;
2105 [ ThreefoldSub; "You do something involving ", (the) noun, ", ",
2106 (the) second, " and ", (the) third, ".";
2107 ];
2108 [ GhostObject x;
2109 x=NounDomain(player,location,0);
2110 if (x==REPARSE_CODE) return x;
2111 if (x==0 or 1) return -1;
2112 third = x;
2113 return 0;
2114 ];
2115 Verb "threefold" * noun noun GhostObject -> Threefold;
2117 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2119 [ MegaExam obj; print (a) obj, ": "; <Examine obj>; ];
2120 [ MegaLookSub; <Look>; LoopOverScope(MegaExam); ];
2121 Verb meta "megalook" * -> MegaLook;
2123 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2125 [ ClapSub; "You clap."; ];
2126 Verb "clap" * -> Clap;
2128 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2130 Verb "magnify" * noun -> Magnify;
2132 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2134 Verb "alarm," * "on" -> SwitchOn
2135 * "off" -> SwitchOff
2136 * TimeOfDay -> SetTo
2137 * ConTopic -> Inv;
2139 Verb "tc," * noun -> Examine
2140 * ConTopic -> Inv;
2142 [ Crew i;
2143 switch(scope_stage)
2144 { 1: rfalse;
2145 2: objectloop (i has crewmember) PlaceInScope(i); rtrue;
2146 }
2147 ];
2149 Verb "stc," * "where" "is" scope=Crew -> Examine
2150 * "locate" scope=Crew -> Examine;
2152 Verb "rc," * held -> Give
2153 * ConTopic -> Inv;
2155 [ Planet;
2156 switch(NextWord())
2157 { 'centauro', 'earth': return 1;
2158 default: return -1;
2159 }
2160 ];
2162 Verb "zen," * "scan" number "orbital" -> Show
2163 * "set" "course" "for" Planet -> Go
2164 * "speed" "standard" "by" number -> SetTo
2165 * "raise" held -> Take
2166 * "clear" held "for" "firing" -> Drop;
2168 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last updated 23 June 2004.
This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.