19. Grammar extensions needed by the spell-casting and cube-writing rules: (lines 1871-1912)
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Browsing Balances.inf
1871 Include "Grammar";
1873 [ AnyWord; from_char=0; to_char=0; the_named_word=wn++; return burin; ];
1875 [ QuotedText i j f;
1876 i = WordAddress(wn++); i=i-buffer;
1877 if (buffer->i=='"')
1878 { for (j=i+1:j<=(buffer->1)+1:j++)
1879 if (buffer->j=='"') f=j;
1880 if (f==0) return -1;
1881 from_char = i+1; to_char=f-1;
1882 if (from_char>to_char) return -1;
1883 while (buffer+f > WordAddress(wn)) wn++; wn++;
1884 return burin;
1885 }
1886 return -1;
1887 ];
1889 Verb "write" "scribe"
1890 * AnyWord "on" held -> WriteOn
1891 * QuotedText "on" held -> WriteOn;
1892 Verb "copy" * scope=CopyableSpell "to" noun -> CopyTo;
1893 Verb "who" "what" "how"
1894 * "do" scope=Topic -> Query
1895 * "is" scope=Topic -> Query
1896 * "was" scope=Topic -> Query;
1897 Verb "spells" "memory"
1898 * -> Spells;
1899 Verb "learn" "memorise" "memorize"
1900 * scope=ReadableSpell -> Learn;
1901 Extend "examine" first
1902 * scope=ReadableSpell -> Examine;
1903 Verb "c,cast"
1904 * -> CastOne
1905 * noun -> CastOne;
1906 Verb "cast"
1907 * is_spell -> Cast
1908 * is_spell "at" noun -> Cast
1909 * is_spell "on" noun -> Cast;
1910 Verb "diagnose" "health"
1911 * -> Diagnose;
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson (graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk) assisted by C Knight.