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32. Resurrection (lines 3410-3482)

3410  [ AfterLife o;
3411      if (deadflag == 3) {
3412          deadflag = 1;
3413          rfalse;
3414      }
3415      print "^^";
3416      if (caves_closed)
3417          "It looks as though you're dead. Well, seeing as how it's so close to closing time anyway,
3418           I think we'll just call it a day.";
3419      switch (deaths) {
3420        0:
3421          print
3422              "Oh dear, you seem to have gotten yourself killed.
3423               I might be able to help you out, but I've never really done this before.
3424               Do you want me to try to reincarnate you?^^";
3425        1:
3426          print
3427              "You clumsy oaf, you've done it again!
3428               I don't know how long I can keep this up.
3429               Do you want me to try reincarnating you again?^^";
3430        2:
3431          print
3432              "Now you've really done it! I'm out of orange smoke!
3433               You don't expect me to do a decent reincarnation without any orange smoke, do you?^^";
3434      }
3435      print "> ";
3436      if (YesOrNo() == false) {
3437          switch (deaths) {
3438            0: "Very well.";
3439            1: "Probably a wise choice.";
3440            2: "I thought not!";
3441          }
3442      }
3443      switch (deaths) {
3444        0:
3445          print
3446              "All right. But don't blame me if something goes wr......
3447               ^^^^
3448               --- POOF!! ---
3449               ^^
3450               You are engulfed in a cloud of orange smoke.
3451               Coughing and gasping, you emerge from the smoke and find that you're....^";
3452        1:
3453          print
3454              "Okay, now where did I put my orange smoke?.... >POOF!<
3455               ^^
3456               Everything disappears in a dense cloud of orange smoke.^";
3457        2:
3458          "Okay, if you're so smart, do it yourself! I'm leaving!";
3459      }
3460      deaths++;
3461      score = score - 10;
3462      if (location ~= thedark) {
3463          while (child(player)) {
3464              o = child(player);
3465              move o to location;
3466              if (o ofclass Treasure) score = score - 5;
3467          }
3468      }
3469      else {
3470          while (child(player)) {
3471              o = child(player);
3472              move o to real_location;
3473              if (o ofclass Treasure) score = score - 5;
3474          }
3475      }
3476      move brass_lantern to At_End_Of_Road;
3477      give brass_lantern ~on ~light;
3478      remove dwarf;
3479      deadflag = 0;
3480      PlayerTo(Inside_Building);
3481  ];

Last updated 23 June 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.