29. The cave is closing now... (lines 3193-3232)
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Browsing Advent.inf
3193 Object cave_closer
3194 with daemon [;
3195 if (treasures_found < MAX_TREASURES) return;
3196 StopDaemon(self);
3197 caves_closed = true;
3198 score = score + 25;
3199 remove CrystalBridge;
3200 give Grate locked ~open;
3201 remove set_of_keys;
3202 StopDaemon(dwarf);
3203 StopDaemon(pirate);
3204 remove Troll;
3205 remove Bear;
3206 remove Dragon;
3207 StartTimer(endgame_timer, 25);
3208 "^A sepulchral voice reverberating through the cave says, ~Cave
3209 closing soon. All adventurers exit immediately through main office.~";
3210 ];
3212 Object endgame_timer
3213 with time_left 0,
3214 time_out [;
3215 score = score + 10;
3216 while (child(player)) remove child(player);
3217 move bottle to At_Ne_End;
3218 if (child(bottle)) remove child(bottle);
3219 move giant_bivalve to At_Ne_End;
3220 move brass_lantern to At_Ne_End;
3221 move black_rod to At_Ne_End;
3222 move little_bird to At_Sw_End;
3223 move velvet_pillow to At_Sw_End;
3224 print
3225 "^The sepulchral voice intones, ~The cave is now closed.~
3226 As the echoes fade, there is a blinding flash of light
3227 (and a small puff of orange smoke). . .
3228 ^^
3229 As your eyes refocus, you look around...^";
3230 PlayerTo(At_Ne_End);
3231 ];
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson (graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk) assisted by C Knight.