35. Teleportation (uses also UnknownVerb entry point) (lines 3960-3986)
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3960 [ TeleportScope
3961 obj;
3962 switch (scope_stage) {
3963 1: rfalse;
3964 2: objectloop (obj ofclass Room)
3965 if (obj has visited) PlaceInScope(obj);
3966 rtrue;
3967 3: return L__M(##Go, 2);
3968 }
3969 ];
3971 [ TeleportSub;
3972 if (noun == location) "But you're already here!";
3973 PlayerTo(noun);
3974 ];
3976 Extend 'go'
3977 * scope=TeleportScope -> Teleport
3978 * 'to' scope=TeleportScope -> Teleport;
3980 #Ifndef DEBUG;
3982 Verb 'goto'
3983 * scope=TeleportScope -> Teleport;
3985 #Endif;
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson (graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk) assisted by C Knight.