2. Rules for treasures, which will be scattered all over the game (lines 55-77)
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Browsing Advent.inf
0055 Class Treasure
0056 with after [;
0057 Take:
0058 if (location == Inside_Building)
0059 score = score - self.depositpoints;
0060 score = score + 5;
0061 if (noun hasnt treasure_found) {
0062 give noun treasure_found;
0063 treasures_found++;
0064 score = score + 2;
0065 }
0066 "Taken!";
0067 Insert:
0068 score = score - 5; ! (in case put inside the wicker cage)
0069 Drop:
0070 score = score - 5;
0071 if (location == Inside_Building) {
0072 score = score + self.depositpoints;
0073 "Safely deposited.";
0074 }
0075 ],
0076 depositpoints 10;
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson (graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk) assisted by C Knight.