! The SQUARE CHAMBER. ! ! Defined in DM4 Exercise 2, modified in $8 and $9 Object Square_Chamber "Square Chamber" with name 'lintelled' 'lintel' 'lintels' 'east' 'south' 'doorways', description "A sunken, gloomy stone chamber, ten yards across. A shaft of sunlight cuts in from the steps above, giving the chamber a diffuse light, but in the shadows low lintelled doorways to east and south lead into the deeper darkness of the Temple.", u_to Forest, e_to Wormcast, s_to Corridor, before [; Insert: if (noun == eggsac && second == sunlight) { remove eggsac; move stone_key to self; "You drop the eggsac into the glare of the shaft of sunlight. It bubbles obscenely, distends and then bursts into a hundred tiny insects which run in all directions into the darkness. Only spatters of slime and a curious yellow-stone key remain on the chamber floor."; } ], has light; ! Defined in DM4 §8 Object -> "carved inscriptions" with name 'carved' 'inscriptions' 'carvings' 'marks' 'markings' 'symbols' 'moving' 'scuttling' 'crowd' 'of', initial "Carved inscriptions crowd the walls, floor and ceiling.", description "Each time you look at the carvings closely, they seem to be still. But you have the uneasy feeling when you look away that they're scuttling, moving about. Two glyphs are prominent: Arrow and Circle.", has static pluralname; ! Defined in DM4 §8 Object -> sunlight "shaft of sunlight" with name 'shaft' 'of' 'sunlight' 'sun' 'light' 'beam' 'sunbeam' 'ray' 'rays' 'sun^s' 'sunlit' 'air' 'motes' 'dust', description "Motes of dust glimmer in the shaft of sunlit air, so that it seems almost solid.", before [; Examine, Search: ; default: "It's only an insubstantial shaft of sunlight."; ], has scenery; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !