[ InfixWelcomeSub; print "; Welcome to the ~Infix~ debugger (1/990428), which makes the following verbs available:^^ ~; ~: evaluates this Inform expression: e.g. ~; location~ will print the value of the variable ~location~, ~; 3*5+1~ will print 16, ~; children(old cloth bag)~ will tell you how many items are in it. (You can name objects either by their names inside the source code, such as ~n_obj~, or by typing the names by which the game's parser would normally know them, such as ~north wall~: the effect is the same.)^ Any expression is allowed except that you can't use double-quoted strings of text: but you can send messages, call routines or assign values to variables, properties and array entries. ^ ~; score++~ is one way to get on in the world. ^ ~; deadflag = true~ is one way to get out of it. ^ ~; StopDaemon(nasty little dwarf)~ will keep you from being pestered.^ Conditions like ~; score>20~ are also allowed and print either 1 (if true) or 0 (if false).^^"; print "~;examine ~ or ~;x ~ gives full details of whatever it is. For instance, ~;x ##Take~ describes the Take action; ~;x Class~ the class Class; ~;x 'drop'~ the dictionary word ~drop~ and so on for numbers, routines, arrays and of course objects. ~;xo~ examines something as an object, so for instance ~;x location~ tells you about the variable ~location~, but ~;xo location~ tells you what object it refers to.^^"; print "~;give~, ~;remove~ and ~;move~ work like the corresponding Inform statements.^^"; print "~;<~ causes an action: for instance, ~;< Eat cheese~.^^"; print "~;watch~ or ~;w~ can set a watch on various activities: type just ~;w~ for details.^^"; print "~;inventory~ or ~;i~ describes the contents of this story file.^"; ];