The Z-machine has several opcodes which deal with objects. For example,
@get_parent finds the parent of a given object (the object which
contains it.) @get_prop looks up a given (common) property in a
given object. There are others. Each of these opcodes operates on an object reference. In the Z-machine, an
object reference is an integer; objects are numbered consecutively starting with
1. The opcode takes the integer and uses it as an index into the object table. This leaves open the question: what is object zero? In the Z-machine, there
is none. It is used as a NULL pointer, a reference meaning "no object". For
example, the @get_parent opcode returns zero if it determines that
an object is not contained in anything. Very well; but this leaves open the question, what happens if you
give a zero reference to the @get_parent opcode? What is
the parent of "no object"?
The short answer is: asking that question is a software error. The result is
not predictable. If your program does it, your program contains a bug. A couple of these bugs have crept into the standard Inform library, up until
library version 6/7. (They are being fixed in library 6/8.)
The most notorious is in the following code. (From Parserm.h, library version
6/7; I don't know how early the bug was introduced.) The Inform statement objectloop (i in i)
is legal Inform code, but it's not what the library wants to do. It loops
i through the contents of what i originally
pointed to, leaving i equal to zero at the end of the loop. Then
the statement ad = i.&add_to_scope; is an opcode error. That statement, and the rest of the function, assumes that i
remains unchanged after the loop. So the fix is to change those lines to If you are an Inform developer, you should make this change in your 6/7
libraries immediately. It also applies to earlier library versions, although I
don't know how early. It may go back as far as the Inform 5 libraries (possibly
in a different form.)
This bug is triggered when the player is in a container or supporter. Note: Another library 6/7 bug occurs if you type "say to me". I do not have a patch
for this one at this time.
About Patches
Issue L60701
"Zero errors" in library
Submitted by: Andrew Plotkin
Appeared in: Library 6/7 or before
Fixed in: Library 6/8
[ HasLightSource i j ad;
if (i==0) rfalse;
if (i has light) rtrue;
if (i has enterable || IsSeeThrough(i)==1)
{ objectloop (i in i)
if (HasLightSource(i)==1) rtrue;
ad = i.&add_to_scope;
! ...function continues...
{ objectloop (j in i)
if (HasLightSource(j)==1) rtrue;
Last updated 17 April 2013.
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