Model world Parsing Mathematical fns Replacements These are not library extensions at all, but are wholesale replacements for some or all of the normal library. (If you download and experiment with these, be careful not to lose your copy of the standard library.)
About extensions
Directions and doors
Listing objects
Menus and displays
Textual fns
Real Time Joe Mason and Gunther Schmidl
A rewrite of the Inform 6/10 library to allow real-time text input (in the style of Infocom's Border Zone) (07-Nov-2004) Dave Bernazzani
mInform 1.1, a cut-down Inform library for generating small story files
ORLibrary1.0czip (1.0c (6.21 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Works with Inform 6.21.
ORLibrary1.3bzip (1.3b (6.30 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Requires Inform 6.30.
orenglish.h (5/13/2002) Jim Fisher
This is a replacement for the English language definition file which implements past test as well as the traditional present tense, plus 1st and 3rd person, as well as the traditional 2nd person. It further provides the ability to alternate between these two modes. Additionally, several library messages, which presume an action is being performed by the player rather than checking the actor variable have been changed to be compatible with NPCs performing an action.
ornpcverb.h Jim Fisher
ORNPCVerb enables NPCs to act and react in much the same way as the PC. Much of this module is a replacment for many library verbs.
Platypus (Release 4) Anson Turner
Not merely an extension but a full-scale alternative library for Inform, archived with documentation and example code. (Also available as a Mac sit.bin archive or a tar.gz archive; the extension phtalkoo.h has been ported to Platypus as plphtoo.h)
plback.h (Version 1.0) Alexandre Muniz
A library extension (for the Platypus library only) that implements a GO BACK verb.
plphtoo.h Adam Cadre, David Glasser, and Alexandre Muniz
Menu based conversation system based on Adam Cadre's routines from Photopia (phototalk.inf), modified and object-oriented by David Glasser, and then adapted for Platypus by Alexandre Muniz. (11-May-2005) she's long gone
Triform, an alternate library for Inform based on the standard library.
Last updated 24 December 2007.
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