Model world Parsing Parsing is the process of understanding typed commands. These extensions make it easier for designers to change or extend the range of the parsing process.
About extensions
Directions and doors
Listing objects
Menus and displays
AskTellOrder.h (000105) Irene Callaci
To convert commands of the form "ASK/TELL SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING" into "SOMEONE, DO SOMETHING"
calyx_adjectives.h Miron Schmidt
To provide a system of 'adnames', words which may be used to refer to objects without themselves implying that the object name has been typed
chooo.h (09-Nov-2005) Krister Fundin
An object oriented extension to the ChooseObjects entry point
dunno.h (Version 1.1, 010402) Neil Cerutti
To add Infocom-style error messages (e.g. I don't know the word "kludge")
ExpertGrammar.h Emily Short
To account for common phrasings the standard grammar does not cover, such as GET DOWN, LOOK NORTH, PLACE OBJECT ON GROUND, etc.
Info.h (Version 2) Jesse Burneko
For consultation and conversation, allowing the CONSULT, ASK, etc. commands to access a database of topics. Technically a parsing issue, but very useful with conversational NPCs
ManPro.h David Glasser
To let the player toggle automatic pronoun assignment
mathpars.h (Version 1.0) Matt Albrecht
For parsing big numbers (in decimal, hexadecimal or binary) (28-Mar-2005) Krister Fundin
A library for "Choose Your Own Adventure" type games.
mistype.h (Version 1.0) Cedric Knight
A library to automatically correct minor typing errors by the player.
nameable.h John Colagioia
To allow objects to be named by the player
NewbieGrammar.h Emily Short
Grammar lines and some verb routines to catch and correct non-standard behavior by players new to IF. Best used with HelpRoutines.h but will still work without it
ObjNameA.h (Version 1.1) Michael Roy
To allow objects with "A" in their name properties to parse correctly
ORLibrary1.0czip (1.0c (6.21 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Works with Inform 6.21.
ORLibrary1.3bzip (1.3b (6.30 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Requires Inform 6.30.
oractionmenu.h (2004.04.28) Jim Fisher
Adds the ability to list possible player actions in a menu. Although reminiscent of the CYOA format (it can certainly be leveraged to make stories of that type), this is actually an alternate front end to the parser (as opposed to the traditional keyboard input prompt).
oractionqueue.h (2004.06.08) Jim Fisher
Gives the player a queue of actions that will be executed sequentially without pause (unless interupted, or one of the next action becomes impossible).
oradjective.h (7/20/2002) Jim Fisher
Implementation of adjectives for parsing nouns.
orbetterchoice.h (5/13/2002) Jim Fisher
Give the parser better decision making skills when considering objects, in particular for take, remove, and eat verbs.
orbracketparsermsgs.h (4/03/2002) Jim Fisher
Add brackets, or other wrapping characters to parser generated messaages.
ordistinctmeself.h (10/19/2002) Jim Fisher
Makes the subtle distinction between 'self' and 'me', having them equate to 'actor' and 'player' repectively.
orkeyboard.h (4/05/2002) Jim Fisher
A rearrangement of the Keyboard routine. No actual code has been altered (at least not in any significant way) but the routine has been broken into smaller components which can be overriden by other modules.
orkeyboardprimitive.h (4/05/2002) Jim Fisher
A modified keyboard primitive that allows other modules to specify routines to replace the normal keyboard input routines. Additionally, in Z-Code, modules can respond to the timer or terminating Zcharacter events.
ornameable.h Jim Fisher
Gives an object the ability to be named and then be referred to by that name.
orparser.h (1/24/03) Jim Fisher
A rearrangement of the Parser__parse routine. No actual code has been altered (at least not in any significant way) but the routine has been broken into smaller components which can be overriden by other modules.
orparsetoken.h (1/3/03) Jim Fisher
A rearrangement of the ParserToken__ routine. No actual code has been altered (at least not in any significant way) but the routine has been broken into smaller components which can be overriden by other modules.
orprefixsuffix.h Jim Fisher
Allows the use of prefixes and suffixes that are followed by periods (for example, "Dr. Bob" or "Col. Mustard" or "Dan Jr." or "Mr. Armstrong")
orrecogname.h Jim Fisher
Allows for object recognition without the use of dictionary words by setting an object to match any words already in its short_name
orreferbycontents.h Jim Fisher
An object that can be referred to by the name of what it contains. For instance a glass of water can be taken by the command "get water"
orspecializedexit.h Jim Fisher
Adds improved grammar for exit verbs (eg GET DOWN, EXIT BALLOON).
orsuppresstakeall.h Jim Fisher
Allows suppression or altogther elimination of "TAKE ALL". (Version 1.1, 010510) Neil Cerutti
Allows more precise name constructs to be declared and causes the parser to disambiguate based on these "phrase name" constructs
Scoper.h (Version 1.0) Daniel Barkalow
To help determine which rooms are visible from a given location; makes it easier to deal with, for instance, very large spaces represented by more than one location in the game, where items in the far side of the room should be visible but untouchable
seeno.h (Version 1.21) Cedric Knight
A library to change the standard Inform message "You can't see any such thing." to the more specific "You see no xxx yyy here."
sha_hint.h (21-May-2003) Ricardo Dague
A library to add a simple hint system to a game, where the user enters "hint
whatis.h (Version 1) Andrew C. Murie
To provide commands such as "WHO AM I", "WHAT IS A GRUE", etc.
whowhat.h Andrew C. Murie and David Cornelson
An improved version of whatis.h
yesno.h L. Ross Raszewski
To ask a semi-rhetorical yes or no question (Version 2.0) Joe Merical
Zork-related library extensions, including player health and diagnosis, Zork-like lamp implementation, grue behavior, and Zork verbs and library responses
Last updated 24 December 2007.
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This page was originally managed by Emily Short.