Model world Parsing Inform's standard library has an intentionally simple model of how people behave. These extensions provide default behaviours for movement and conversation.
About extensions
Directions and doors
Listing objects
Menus and displays
Non-player characters
AskTellOrder.h (000105) Irene Callaci
To convert commands of the form "ASK/TELL SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING" into "SOMEONE, DO SOMETHING"
blackjack.inf (11-Jun-2005) Ashok Desai
Inform code to add a blackjack dealer to a game.
converse.h (Version 2.0) L. Ross Raszewski
To generate menu based conversations
follower.h (Release 3) Gareth Rees, Andrew Clover and Neil Brown
Provides support for creatures and things that can be followed by the player
gtalk.h (Version 3.00) Greg Boettcher, Krister Fundin and Mark J. Tilford
A library for Photopia style menu-based conversations, allowing for submenus, and looping and repeating conversations.
GxScript.h Brendan Barnwell
A menu-based conversation library for Glulx Inform, with conversation menus in a separate window
Info.h (Version 2) Jesse Burneko
For consultation and conversation, allowing the CONSULT, ASK, etc. commands to access a database of topics. Technically a parsing issue, but very useful with conversational NPCs
moveclass.h (Version 8.10) Neil Brown and Alan Trewartha with Matthew Russotto
To provide either random or directed movement for non-player characters. (Documentation in text format) Matt Albrecht
A framework to ease the NPC creation process, which allows NPCs to interact with one another (Release 8) Volker Lanz
To help program sophisticated NPCs in Inform. Archive includes the library file, documentation and an example game.
OKBScrpt.h Brendan Barnwell
To allow branching, menu-based conversations
ORLibrary1.0czip (1.0c (6.21 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Works with Inform 6.21.
ORLibrary1.3bzip (1.3b (6.30 compatible)) Jim Fisher
A framework of library extensions and code templates to provide a personal Inform development environment. The modules in the OnyxRing library cover a wide range of possible functions, from world modelling to parsing. These include some replacements of standard library files, but the author may pick and choose modules without having to completely replace the standard library. Requires Inform 6.30.
orconversemenu.h (7/21/2002) Jim Fisher
A conversation menu which sits on top of the ORLibrary Ask/Tell system.
orinsultcompli_kt.h (2/26/2002) Jim Fisher
This module creates specialized ORKnowledgeTopics to implement Insults and Compliments. (For use with the other ORLib NPC modules.)
orknowledgescript.h Jim Fisher
This class is derived from ORKnowledgeTopic. It provides the basis for scripted NPC initiatable conversations that do not repeat, like a lecture
orknowledgetopic.h Jim Fisher
Provides the basis for ASK/TELL Topic-based conversations including learnable conversations as well as scripted conversations, and NPC initiatable conversations that do not repeat.
orknowledgeweb.h Jim Fisher
Used to create a network of interrelating knowledge topics
ornpc.h Jim Fisher
A base class and controlling daemon for NPCs.
ornpcverb.h Jim Fisher
ORNPCVerb enables NPCs to act and react in much the same way as the PC. Much of this module is a replacment for many library verbs.
ornpc_asktelllearn.h Jim Fisher
Endows an NPC with the ability to answer questions and learn new information that has been told to it. This module leverages the ORKnowledgeTopic module.
ornpc_converse.h Jim Fisher
A module which enables NPCs to converse with the PC or other NPCs. Implements a generic TALK TO CHARACTER verb which picks a subject to converse about.
ornpc_doverb.h Jim Fisher
Gives an NPC the ability to perform actions as the player would.
ornpc_goaldriven.h (2004.03.08) Jim Fisher
Adds the ability for NPCs to perform goals.
ornpc_interact.h Jim Fisher
A base class for NPC objects to derive from. Add support for interacting with other NPCs or the PC.
ornpc_mapknown.h Jim Fisher
For NPCs that know their surroundings. Decreases the likelihood that the NPC will become "lost" and have to "wander".
ornpc_moods.h Jim Fisher
Adds a "mood" or "mind-set" framework to an NPC.
ORNPC_movement.h Jim Fisher
Adds movement capabilities to an ORNPC object
phtalkoo.h Adam Cadre and David Glasser
Menu based conversation system based on Adam Cadre's routines from the game "Photopia"
plphtoo.h Adam Cadre, David Glasser, and Alexandre Muniz
Menu based conversation system based on Adam Cadre's routines from Photopia (phototalk.inf), modified and object-oriented by David Glasser, and then adapted for Platypus by Alexandre Muniz. (Version 1.1) Nate Cull
Reactive Agent Planner, a goal-seeking library for NPCs (Version 1.2) Nate Cull and Sam Denton
Reactive Agent Planner, a goal-seeking library for NPCs. Updated with a perl preprocessor by Sam Denton.
Last updated 24 December 2007.
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