! The LOWER/SOUTH CANYON. ! ! Defined in DM4 §23 Object Canyon_S "Lower End of Canyon" with description "At the lower, and narrower, southern end, the canyon stops dead at a chasm of vertiginous blackness. Nothing can be seen or heard from below.", n_to Junction, u_to Junction, s_to "Into the chasm?", d_to nothing, has light; ! Defined in DM4 §12, modified in §21 and §23 Object -> chasm "horrifying chasm" with name 'blackness' 'chasm' 'pit' 'horrifying' 'bottomless', before [; Enter: deadflag = 3; "You plummet through the silent void of darkness, cracking your skull against an outcrop of rock. Amidst the pain and redness, you dimly make out the God with the Owl-Headdress..."; JumpOver: "It's far too wide."; ], after [; Receive: remove noun; print_ret (The) noun, " tumbles silently into the darkness of the chasm."; Search: "The chasm is deep and murky."; ], react_before [; Jump: <>; Go: if (noun == d_obj) <>; ], each_turn [; if (huge_ball in parent(self)) { remove huge_ball; Canyon_S.s_to = On_Ball; Canyon_S.description = "The southern end of the canyon now continues onto the pumice-stone ball, wedged into the chasm."; "^The pumice-stone ball rolls out of control down the last few feet of the canyon before shuddering into the jaws of the chasm, bouncing back a little and catching you a blow on the side of the forehead. You slump forward, bleeding, and... the pumice-stone shrinks, or else your hand grows, because you seem now to be holding it, staring at Alligator, son of seven-Macaw, across the ball-court of the Plaza, the heads of his last opponents impaled on spikes, a congregation baying for your blood, and there is nothing to do but to throw anyway, and... but this is all nonsense, and you have a splitting headache."; } ], has scenery open container; ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !