Place Edge "Edge of Chasm" with name "wide" "chasm" "road" "daffodils" "clump", description "The road ends suddenly at a wide chasm. The road leads upward to the north, and you can see it continuing on the southern side of the chasm.", u_to Up_Road, n_to Up_Road, cant_go "The chasm is too perilous to approach. The only safe way is up and to the north.", before [; Jump: deadflag = true; "You jump bravely into the chasm, and plunge... gracefully through the air. (It gets a bit less noble and airy after that.)"; ]; Object -> snake "hissing snake" with name "hissing" "snake", initial "Lying in a tight coil at the edge of the chasm is a hissing snake.", description "It has some V-markings, some scaly parts, colours from grey to reddish-brown. Is that any help?", life [; "The snake hisses angrily!"; ], before [; Cast: switch(the_spell_was) { urbzig_spell: remove self; snakes_cube.initial = "Beside a clump of daffodils is a featureless white cube."; "The snake is replaced by a clump of daffodils."; bozbar_spell: deadflag = true; remove self; snakes_cube.initial = "A featureless cube rests where the snake took off from."; "The snake is transformed into a huge, winged serpent, a dragon which bellows and leaps out into the chasm, backwinging furiously... and knocking you over the edge quite by accident."; yomin_spell: "Horrid reptilian thoughts insinuate their way into you."; } Take, Remove: "The slipperiness of its skin is only one of many reasons why this is ill-advised."; ], has animate; FeaturelessCube -> snakes_cube "cube" with initial "The snake appears to be curled around a featureless white cube.", before [; if (snake notin nothing) "The snake won't let you near that cube!"; ];