Class Place has light; Place Hut "Ramshackle Hut" with description "Until quite recently, someone lived here, you feel sure. Now the furniture is matchwood and the windows are glassless. Outside, it is a warm, sunny day, and grasslands extend to the low hills on the horizon.", out_to Grasslands, w_to Grasslands, cant_go "There's only the one room: better go ~out~.", name "windows" "grasslands" "grass" "hills"; Object -> furniture "wooden furniture" with name "furniture" "broken" "wood" "wooden", before [; Examine, Search, LookUnder: self.before=0; score=score+5; move h_box to player; "Searching through the furniture, which is good for nothing but firewood now, you come across an old cedarwood box, which you pick up for a closer look."; ], has scenery; Object h_box "cedarwood box" with name "cedar" "cedarwood" "wooden" "box", description "The box bears the calligraphed initial H." has container openable lockable locked; SpellBook -> helistars_book "Helistar's grimoire" with name "grimoire" "helistar" "helistars", description "This must be the grimoire of dangerous spells kept by your irresponsible friend Helistar. Many pages are missing, but a few spells remain:^", has proper;