[ Initialise; location = Hut; move burin to player; move players_coin to player; move players_book to player; thedark.description = "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."; ! (In fact you are stone-cold certain not to be, but never mind.) players_book.learn_spell(gnusto_spell); players_book.learn_spell(frotz_spell); players_book.learn_spell(yomin_spell); players_book.learn_spell(rezrov_spell); helistars_book.learn_spell(frotz_spell); helistars_book.learn_spell(lleps_spell); helistars_book.learn_spell(mortin_spell); give gnusto_spell known_about; "^^^^^[Welcome to a short story called ~Balances~, one of the example games for the Inform design system. Some people may recognise the setting, but others might like to type ~how do spells work~ - the game responds to a few such questions.] ^^You feel a little confused as to how you got here. Something to do with Helistar! That's right, and how the world is so far off balance nowadays, after the Great Change.^^"; ]; [ PrintRank; print ", earning you the rank of "; if (score >= 50) "Scientist."; if (score >= 40) "Spellbreaker."; if (score >= 30) "Sorcerer."; if (score >= 20) "Enchanter."; if (score >= 10) "novice Enchanter."; "lost dreamer."; ]; [ DiagnoseSub; switch(memory.capacity) { 5: "You feel fine, and your memory is unimpaired."; 4: "You feel shaky after your brush with death, but your mental faculties seem sound."; 3: "For someone who has died twice, you're in reasonable shape."; } "How many times have you died now? Your memory isn't what it was."; ];