Spell lleps_spell with name "lleps", purpose "reverse effect of memorised spell", magic [; if (second==0 || second notin memory) "The spell backfires, painfully."; if (second.number==100) "You know that spell too well for your mind to be able to accept the change."; if (second has reversed) give second ~reversed; else give second reversed; if (second==lleps_spell) { memory.forget_spell(second); "Your mind wrenches as the two lleps spells cancel each other out, leaving only a sensation quite like a hangover."; } print_ret "Your mind wrenches as ", (the) second, " reverses itself."; ], unmagic [; return self.magic(); ! The reverse of "lleps" is "lleps" ]; Spell mortin_spell with name "mortin", purpose "cause immediate death of caster", magic [; deadflag = true; "You really can't fault Helistar on this one. Death is absolutely immediate, like a sudden blackout curtain..."; ], unmagic [; prepared_flag = true; "Nothing quite happens... and yet you feel enormously more confident as you go about this dangerous world."; ];