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Browsing Alice3.inf

This is the complete source code of the example game Alice3.inf.

001  ! Through the Looking-Glass
002  ! An Inform tutorial by Gareth Rees
003  ! All rights given away
004  ! Version 3
006  Constant Story "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS";
007  Constant Headline "^An Interactive Tutorial^by Gareth Rees^";
008  Constant DEBUG;
010  ! Possible values for a kitten's state property:
012  Constant HELD_STATE = 0;     ! Being held
013  Constant QUEEN_STATE = 1;    ! Playing with the Red Queen
014  Constant WOOL_STATE = 2;     ! Playing with the worsted
015  Constant CHAIR_STATE = 3;    ! In the way of the chair
017  Include "parser";
018  Include "verblib";
019  Include "grammar";
021  [ Initialise;
022      location = Drawing_Room;
023      StartDaemon(white_kitten);
024      StartDaemon(black_kitten);
025      print "^^^^^It's a cold winter day outside, but in the
026          looking-glass house it's summer. All you need to do is
027          pretend there's a way of getting through into it
028          somehow...^^";
029  ];
031  [ Inside x y;
032      do {
033          x = parent(x);
034      } until (x == 0 or y);
035      if (x == 0) rfalse;
036  ];
038  [ UntangleSub; "What curious ideas you have!"; ];
040  [ ReflectSub;
041      if (second ~= mirror) "What a strange idea!";
042      if (noun == hearth or mirror || (player notin mantelpiece && 
043          player notin armchair))
044          "You can't see that in the looking-glass.";
045      print "The looking-glass ";
046      if (noun == player) print "Alice";
047      else print (name) noun;
048      if (player in mantelpiece) " looks very misty and blurred.";
049      print " looks just like the real ";
050      if (noun == player) print "Alice";
051      else print (name) noun;
052      " only all reversed, left for right.";
053  ];
055  Extend "look"
056      * "at" noun "in" noun -> Reflect;
058  Extend "examine"
059      * noun "in" noun -> Reflect;
061  Verb "roll" "untangle" "wind"
062      * noun -> Untangle
063      * "up" noun -> Untangle
064      * noun "up" -> Untangle;
066  Verb "pet" "stroke" = "rub";
068  Object  Drawing_Room "Drawing room"
069   has    light
070   with   name "snow",
071          description "The gentle sound of snow against the window pane
072              suggests that it's cold outside, and you're glad to be
073              here in the warmth. The drawing-room is reflected in the
074              large looking-glass on the wall above the mantelpiece,
075              and a very comfortable room it is too, with a warm
076              hearth, a soft rug and an arm-chair that you can curl up
077              and sleep in.",
078          before [;
079              if (player notin Mantelpiece) rfalse;
080           Exit,Go:
081              if (noun == d_obj or out_obj)
082                  "That's not the way to get down from a mantelpiece!";
083           Examine,Enter,ThrowAt,ThrownAt,Reflect: ;
084           default:
085              if (inp1 ~= 1 && noun ~= 0 && Inside(noun,mantelpiece) == 0)
086                 "You can't reach ", (the) noun, " from up here.";
087              if (inp2 ~= 1 && second ~= 0 && Inside(second,mantelpiece) == 0)
088                 "You can't reach ", (the) second, " from up here.";
089          ];
091  Object  red_queen "red queen"
092   has    female
093   with   name "red" "queen",
094          describe [;
095              if (white_kitten.state == QUEEN_STATE
096                  || black_kitten.state == QUEEN_STATE)
097                  rtrue;
098          ],
099          description "She's a fierce little chess piece.",
100          after [;
101           Take:
102              if (white_kitten.state == QUEEN_STATE) 
103                  white_kitten.state = CHAIR_STATE;
104              if (black_kitten.state == QUEEN_STATE) 
105                  black_kitten.state = CHAIR_STATE;
106           PutOn,Transfer,Insert:
107              if (second == chess_board)
108                  "Alone on the chess board, the red queen is monarch of
109                  all she surveys.";
110          ];
112  Object  chess_board "chess board" Drawing_Room
113   has    supporter
114   with   name "chess" "board" "checker" "chequer" "chessboard",
115          initial "An abandoned chess board lies on the floor.",
116          description "It's left here from the game you were playing
117              just now, but the pieces are all missing - the kittens
118              will insist on playing with them.";
120  Object  hearth "hearth" Drawing_Room
121   has    scenery
122   with   name "hearth" "fire" "place" "fireplace";
124  Object  rug "rug" Drawing_Room
125   has    concealed static supporter enterable
126          ! general if you've found the red queen under it
127   with   name "hearthrug" "hearth-rug" "rug" "indian" "arabian" "beautiful"
128              "soft",
129          description "It's a beautiful rug, made in some far off
130              country, perhaps India or Araby, wherever those might
131              be.",
132          before [;
133           Take: "The rug is much too large and heavy for you to carry.";
134           Push,Pull: "But a hearth-rug is meant to be next to the
135              hearth!";
136           LookUnder:
137              if (player in mantelpiece || player in armchair)
138                  "You're unable to reach the rug from here.";
139              if (player in self)
140                  "You try to lift up a corner of the rug, but fail. After
141                  a while, you realise that this is because you are
142                  standing on it. How curious the world is!";
143              if (self hasnt general) {
144                  give self general;
145                  move red_queen to player;
146                  "You lift up a corner of the rug and, peering
147                  underneath, discover the red queen from the chess
148                  set.";
149              }
150          ];
152  Object  armchair "arm-chair" Drawing_Room
153   has    static concealed supporter enterable
154          ! general if its by the mantelpiece
155   with   name "arm" "chair" "armchair" "arm-chair",
156          description [;
157              print "It's a huge arm-chair, the perfect place for a kitten
158                  or a little girl to curl up in and doze. It has been
159                  pushed over to the ";
160              if (self has general) "fireplace.";
161              "window.";
162          ],
163          before [ i;
164           Push,Pull:
165              if (player notin Drawing_Room)
166                  "You'll have to get off ", (the) parent(player), 
167                  " first.";
168              if (white_kitten in player || black_kitten in player)
169                  "Not with a kitten in your arms!";
170              if (white_kitten.state == CHAIR_STATE) i = white_kitten;
171              else if (black_kitten.state == CHAIR_STATE) i = black_kitten;
172              if (i ~= 0)
173                  "You are about to start moving the chair when you
174                  notice that ", (the) i, " is right in the way. It's a
175                  good thing you spotted it, or you would have squashed
176                  flat the poor little thing.";
177              if (self has general) {
178                  give self ~general;
179                  "You push the arm-chair away from the hearth.";
180              }
181              give self general;
182              "You push the arm-chair over to the hearth.";
183           Climb,Enter:
184              move player to armchair;
185              "You jump into the warm and comfortable arm-chair.";
186           Take: "The chair is so heavy you ca'n't carry it.";
187          ];
189  Object  mantelpiece "mantelpiece" Drawing_Room
190   has    concealed supporter enterable
191   with   name "mantel" "mantelpiece",
192          description "It's higher off the ground than your head, but
193              it looks wide enough and sturdy enough to support you.",
194          before [;
195           Enter,Climb:
196              if (player notin armchair)
197                  "The mantelpiece is much too high to climb up onto.";
198              if (armchair hasnt general)
199                  "You can't reach the mantelpiece from here.";
200              if (children(player) > 0)
201                  "Your hands are too full.";
202              move player to mantelpiece;
203              "You scramble up onto the mantelpiece.";
204           PutOn,LetGo:
205              if (player notin self && (player notin armchair || 
206                  armchair hasnt general))
207                  "The mantelpiece is so high that you can't reach.";
208          ];
210  Object  mirror "looking-glass" Drawing_Room
211   has    static concealed
212   with   name "mirror" "looking" "glass" "looking-glass",
213          description [;
214              if (player in mantelpiece)
215                  "Strangely, the glass is beginning to melt away,
216                  just like a bright silvery mist.";
217              if (player in armchair)
218                  "In the looking-glass you can see the drawing-room of
219                  the looking-glass house. What you can see is very
220                  much the same as this drawing-room, only all
221                  reversed, left for right. But you are sure that out
222                  of the corners of the glass, where you can't see, the
223                  looking-glass world is quite different from yours.";
224              "In the looking-glass you can see the ceiling of the
225              drawing-room of the looking-glass house. It looks much
226              the same as the ceiling of your drawing-room.";
227          ],
228          before [;
229              if (action ~= ##Examine or ##ThrownAt or ##Reflect &&
230                  player notin mantelpiece)
231                  "You can't reach the looking-glass from where you're
232                  standing.";
233           Touch,Pull,Push:
234              "Your hand goes right through the silvery mist!";
235           ThrownAt: "You don't want seven years' bad luck, do you?";
236           Enter:
237              ! Really, move Alice to the looking-glass house.
238              deadflag = 2;
239              "Your hand goes right through the silvery mist, and in
240              another moment the rest of you follows, and you are
241              through the glass...";
242          ];
244  Object  worsted "ball of worsted" Drawing_Room
245          ! general if its in a tangle
246   with   name "ball" "of" "worsted" "fine" "blue" "wool",
247          describe [;
248              if (white_kitten.state ~= WOOL_STATE &&
249                  black_kitten.state ~= WOOL_STATE)
250                  "^A discarded ball of worsted lies on the floor here.";
251              rtrue;
252          ],
253          description [;
254              if (self has general)
255                  "It's in a terrible tangle. All that time you spent
256                  rolling it up, and now look at it!";
257              "It's a ball of fine blue wool, all rolled up in preparation
258              for some embroidery.";
259          ],
260          before [;
261           Untangle: 
262              give self ~general;
263              "You're as quick as can be at rolling up balls of wool,
264              though you say so yourself! Soon it's neat and tidy again.";
265          ],
266          after [;
267           Take:
268              if (white_kitten.state == WOOL_STATE) 
269                  white_kitten.state = CHAIR_STATE;
270              if (black_kitten.state == WOOL_STATE) 
271                  black_kitten.state = CHAIR_STATE;
272          ];
274  Object  chess_pieces "chess pieces" Drawing_Room
275   has    scenery
276   with   parse_name [ w colour n;
277              w = NextWord();
278              if (w == 'white' or 'red') {
279                  n ++;
280                  colour = w;
281                  w = NextWord();
282              }
283              if (w == 'pawn' or 'rook' or 'castle' ||
284                  w == 'knight' or 'horse' or 'bishop' ||
285                  w == 'king' || (w == 'queen' && 
286                  (colour == 'white' || rug hasnt general))) return n + 1;
287              return 0;
288          ],
289          before [;
290              "Alas, that chess piece seems to be missing. Those
291              naughty kittens!";
292          ];
294  Object  window "window" Drawing_Room
295   has    scenery
296   with   name "window" "pane",
297          description "Outside the window it's snowing gently, and you're
298              glad to be in here in the warmth.",
299          before [;
300           Open: "You wouldn't want to catch a chill, would you?  Better
301              leave the window shut.";
302           Search: <<Examine self>>;
303          ];
305  Class   Kitten
306   has    animate
307          ! general if it's been described this turn
308   with   parse_name [ w ok n;
309              do {
310                  ok = 0;
311                  w = NextWord();
312                  if (w == 'kittens' or 'cats') {
313                      ok = 1; n++; parser_action=##PluralFound; 
314                  }
315                  if (w == 'kitten' or 'kitty' or 'cat' ||
316                      w == ((self.&name)-->0)) { 
317                      ok = 1; n++;
318                  }
319              } until (ok == 0);
320              return n;
321          ],
323          state CHAIR_STATE,
325          describe [ i;
326              switch (self.state) {
327               QUEEN_STATE:
328                  "^A ", (name) self, " is playing with the red queen.";
329               WOOL_STATE:
330                  "^A ", (name) self, " is playing with a ball of worsted.";
331               CHAIR_STATE:
332                  if (self has general) rtrue;
333                  if ((self.other_kitten).state == 3) {
334                      i = self.other_kitten;
335                      give i general;
336                      "^Two kittens, one white and one black, are playing
337                      together by the arm-chair.";
338                  }
339                  "^A ", (name) self, " is playing by the arm-chair.";
340               default: rtrue;
341              }
342          ],
343          description [;
344              "What a beautiful kitten ", (the) self, " is. Why,
345              it's quite definitely your favourite of the pair, and
346              much prettier than that naughty ",
347              (name) self.other_kitten, ".";
348          ],
349          life [;
350           Ask,Answer,Order:
351              print_ret (The) self, " twitches its whiskers and looks at
352                  you with such a clever expression that you are certain it
353                  understands every word you are saying.";
354           Kiss: 
355              "You give ", (the) self, " a little kiss on its
356              nose, and it looks sweetly and demurely at you.";
357           Attack: "You would never do such a beastly thing to such
358              a defenceless little animal!";
359           Show: 
360              print_ret (The) self, " bats a paw at ", (the) noun, ".";
361           Give,ThrowAt:
362              if (noun ~= red_queen or worsted) {
363                  if (action == ##ThrowAt) {
364                      move noun to Drawing_Room;
365                      print "You toss ", (the) noun, " onto the floor, but ",
366                          (the) self;
367                  }
368                  else print (The) self;
369                  " just examines ", (the) noun,
370                  " with a quizzical expression.";
371              }
372              print "You toss ", (the) noun, " onto the floor and ", (the) self;
373              if (self in player)
374                  print " squirms out of your grasp and";
375              move noun to Drawing_Room;
376              move self to Drawing_Room;
377              print " scampers after it";
378              if (noun == worsted) {
379                  give worsted general;
380                  self.state = WOOL_STATE;
381                  print ", quickly turning the neat ball into a tangle";
382              }
383              else self.state = QUEEN_STATE;
384              ".";
385          ],
386          before [;
387           Take:
388              if (self.other_kitten in player)
389                  "You can't hold two kittens at once!";
390              self.state = HELD_STATE;
391              move self to player;
392              "You pick up ", (the) self,
393              ". What a beautiful creature it is!";
394           Touch, Rub: print_ret (The) self, " rubs its head against you and purrs softly.";
395          ],
396          after [;
397           Drop:
398              self.state = CHAIR_STATE;
399              move self to Drawing_Room;
400              print_ret (The) self, " squirms out of your arms and scampers
401                  away.";
402           Transfer,PutOn,Insert:
403              self.state = CHAIR_STATE;
404              print (The) self, " jumps off ", (the) parent(self);
405              move self to Drawing_Room;
406              ", landing lightly on the floor before scampering away.";
407          ],
408          daemon [ i;
409              give self ~general;
410              self.this_kittens_turn = 1 - self.this_kittens_turn;
411              if (self.this_kittens_turn == false || random(3) == 2) rtrue;
412              new_line;
413              print (The) self;
414              switch (self.state) {
415               HELD_STATE:
416                  switch(random(5)) {
417                   1: " mews plaintively.";
418                   2: " purrs quietly to itself.";
419                   3: " purrs contentedly to itself.";
420                   4: " rubs its ears against you.";
421                   5: move self to Drawing_Room;
422                      self.state = CHAIR_STATE;
423                      " squirms out of your arms and scampers away.";
424                  }
425               QUEEN_STATE:
426                  switch (random(5)) {
427                   1: " bats at the red queen with its paw.";
428                   2: " stops playing and sits up, pretending to be
429                      innocent of any kittenish tendancies.";
430                   3: " knocks the red queen across the floor and chases
431                      after it.";
432                   4: " stops to wash itself.";
433                   5: " bites the red queen and shakes it to make sure that
434                      it's dead.";
435                  }
436               WOOL_STATE:
437                  give worsted general;
438                  switch (random(5)) {
439                   1: " bats at the ball of worsted with its paw.";
440                   2: " pushes the ball of worsted across the floor and
441                      chases after it.";
442                   3: " leaps onto the ball of worsted and grapples bravely
443                      with it.";
444                   4: " jumps into the ball of worsted and gets tangled up
445                      in a mess of threads.";
446                   5: " stops playing and scratches its ears.";
447                  }
448               CHAIR_STATE:
449                  if ((self.other_kitten).state == CHAIR_STATE && random(2) == 1) {
450                      i = random(5);
451                      switch (i) {    
452                       1: print " chases after ";
453                       2: print " jumps on top of ";
454                       3: print " washes ";
455                       4: print " scampers around the arm-chair and ";
456                       5: print " bats at ";
457                      }
458                      print (the) self.other_kitten;
459                      switch (i) {
460                       1,3: ".";
461                       2: " and they roll around on the floor.";
462                       4: " chases after it.";
463                       5: " with its paw.";
464                      }
465                  }
466                  switch (random(5)) {
467                   1: " scampers after a speck of dust.";
468                   2: " rolls around on the floor.";
469                   3: " sits up and washes its tail.";
470                   4: " scratches its head on the arm-chair.";
471                   5: " chases its tail.";
472                  }
473              }
474          ];
476  Kitten  white_kitten "white kitten" Drawing_Room
477   with   name "white",
478          this_kittens_turn false,
479          other_kitten black_kitten;
481  Kitten  black_kitten "black kitten" Drawing_Room
482   with   name "black",
483          this_kittens_turn true,
484          other_kitten white_kitten;

Last updated 23 June 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.