[ Initialise; location=Forest; score = 0; StartDaemon(chiggers); "^^^^^A voice booms out ...^ Treasures have an * in their name. Say 'SCORE'^ If you need a hint on something, try 'HELP'.^"; ]; [ TimePasses i; if (location ~= Inside_Stump) rfalse; score=0; objectloop (i in Inside_Stump && i ofclass Treasure) score = score + i.depositpoints; if (score ~= 100) rfalse; deadflag=2; "Congratulations! By finding and depositing all 13 *TREASURES*, you have solved Scott Adams's ~Adventureland~ and it remains only to say that..."; ]; [ AfterLife; if (deadflag==3) { deadflag=1; rfalse; } remove chigger_bites; remove infected_bites; deadflag=0; PlayerTo(Misty_Room); ]; [ PrintRank; "."; ]; [ DarkToDark; if (dark_warning==0) { dark_warning=1; "It is now pitch dark. If you proceed you will likely fall into a pit."; } if (random(4) == 1) { deadflag=1; "You fell into a pit and broke every bone in your body!"; } rfalse; ];