Room In_Arched_Hall "Arched Hall" with name 'arched' 'hall', description "You are in an arched hall. A coral passage once continued up and east from here, but is now blocked by debris. The air smells of sea water.", d_to In_Shell_Room; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Shell_Room "Shell Room" with name 'shell' 'room', description "You're in a large room carved out of sedimentary rock. The floor and walls are littered with bits of shells imbedded in the stone. A shallow passage proceeds downward, and a somewhat steeper one leads up. A low hands and knees passage enters from the south.", u_to In_Arched_Hall, d_to In_Ragged_Corridor, s_to [; if (giant_bivalve in player) { if (giant_bivalve has open) "You can't fit this five-foot oyster through that little passage!"; else "You can't fit this five-foot clam through that little passage!"; } return At_Complex_Junction; ]; Object -> giant_bivalve "giant clam" with name 'giant' 'clam' 'oyster' 'bivalve', describe [; if (self.has_been_opened) "There is an enormous oyster here with its shell tightly closed."; "There is an enormous clam here with its shell tightly closed."; ], before [; Examine: if (location == At_Ne_End or At_Sw_End) "Interesting. There seems to be something written on the underside of the oyster: ^^ ~There is something strange about this place, such that one of the curses I've always known now has a new effect.~"; "A giant bivalve of some kind."; Open: "You aren't strong enough to open the clam with your bare hands."; Unlock: if (second ~= trident) print_ret (The) second, " isn't strong enough to open the clam."; if (self.has_been_opened) "The oyster creaks open, revealing nothing but oyster inside. It promptly snaps shut again."; self.has_been_opened = true; move pearl to In_A_Cul_De_Sac; "A glistening pearl falls out of the clam and rolls away. Goodness, this must really be an oyster. (I never was very good at identifying bivalves.) Whatever it is, it has now snapped shut again."; Attack: "The shell is very strong and is impervious to attack."; ], has_been_opened false; Treasure pearl "glistening pearl" with name 'pearl' 'glistening' 'incredible' 'incredibly' 'large', description "It's incredibly large!", initial "Off to one side lies a glistening pearl!", depositpoints 14; ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Room In_Ragged_Corridor "Ragged Corridor" with name 'ragged' 'corridor', description "You are in a long sloping corridor with ragged sharp walls.", u_to In_Shell_Room, d_to In_A_Cul_De_Sac; Room In_A_Cul_De_Sac "Cul-de-Sac" with name 'cul-de-sac' 'cul' 'de' 'sac', description "You are in a cul-de-sac about eight feet across.", u_to In_Ragged_Corridor, out_to In_Ragged_Corridor;